
Saturday, 24 May 2014

The Art of Being Lazy

I'm not lazy, I'm just in power saver mode!

PS. Since Law School I hate matured a bit and I have really come to realize that LAW really is a jealous mistress. And laziness is not an option! Being pro-active is my new mission. Working hard to achieve my goals is my new challenge in life. Doing nothing gets you nowhere!  

This was me Pre-Law school
There is one thing that I have perfected and that is the art of being lazy. I actually made a New's Years Resolution to stop being lazy, well I have until December 31st, 2014 to change right?? I also attempted to give up laziness for lent, I figured that giving up chicken didn't really make much sense because I barely eat chicken so giving it up isn't a big deal, but when it comes to laziness I feel like I'm the Queen! So, I thought I would take on the ultimate challenge for lent... let's just say I failed miserably. I thought trying my best to be active, energetic, outgoing, a go-getter would have been good for me but as they say old habits die hard. Laziness seems to be a habit that I can't seem to shake. However, "Laziness is the mother of all bad habits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and we should respect her!"  

Some people might actually think that I'm not lazy but little do they know I really am. When I have things to do I would rather just sit and watch television, or go on Facebook (just to check my notifications) and end up scrolling through my home page for hours rather than get things done. I love to make lists of all the things that I have to get done but sometimes all I get done is the writing of the list.  I actually write "make to do list" just so I can cross it off when my list is done (not a joke). I sometimes wish the list would get itself completed! I take forever to get the list done, and sometimes I would actually just scratch things off, although I haven't completed it as yet, because I am fed up looking at list with so much things to get done! Because I feel like I'm not getting anything done. But the fact is clearly I'm not getting anything done!   

I hate cleaning my room, after all it's just me that has to live in it! They say, as you make your bed so you must lie in it. But, I honestly have no problem lying down in an unmade bed! Even if I make up my bed it will still be messy in the morning. So what's the point? However, when I'm on vacation and I'm staying in a hotel or a villa I LOVE that the maid makes up the bed every morning so that every night I have a lovely freshly made bed to sleep in! When I know someone is coming over all laziness jumps out the window and I go into overdrive cleaning to make sure my room is spick and span! My mom loves when people are coming over because that's the only time I clean willingly without her having to tell me to clean. But, the bad thing about cleaning only when you are expecting company is when people come over unexpectedly I have to say "Please, excuse the mess". So, I'm really going to try to keep my room clean and make up my bed from now on...but I can't make any promises.       

I rather let the wares pile up although I know I would have a million wares to wash. I'm just never in the mood to do chores. I am always much more comfortable in my bed watching my television. Of course this makes no sense because when I have a mountain of wares to wash I would wish that I wasn't being lazy when there was just a few plates in the sink. Now I have to wash those same "few" plates which have now become every plate and pot and glass in the kitchen. Of course now I want to wash it even less!   

However, being lazy can be useful, as it leads people to come up with ways to make things easier. I'm sure a lazy person who hated washing wares invented the dishwasher or at least thought of the idea that someone should create something to wash dishes for you. The washing machine was invented to help people who didn't like to wash clothes manually. So inventors actually profit from the laziness of humanity. People will buy anything to make their lives easier and to get things done faster. They say necessity is the mother of invention, well then laziness is the grandmother!  

Instead of cooking you can buy microwave meals! I love hamburger helper! One pan, one pound, one happy family! It's quick, it's easy and it takes great! So much faster than making an actual meal from scratch. I honestly prefer not to eat than to make something. But, I am will learn to cook eventually! I guess for now I'll just stick to buying food, although it's more expensive, it certainly is easier. And I hate the idea of slaving over something and then it doesn't come out good. But you hungry so you eat it anyway! Unless it's too burnt or just too terrible to stomach, then it that case you just throw it away.  

Exercise and I aren't friends! I guess that's because laziness defeats any thoughts of exercise! I love how I feel after I exercise but to actually start exercising is the hardest thing for me! Lying down and relaxing is so much easier than putting on clothes and sneakers to start exercising. But once I get on my clothes and sneakers I completely get into exercise mode! I'm really going to take exercising seriously. Honestly, I do wish I could press a button and get a flat stomach and some abs...but we all know that it doesn't work like that! So I'm going to put in the work to get the results!  

Relaxing and doing nothing is great when you need a mental health day but being lazy everyday is not beneficial. So from tomorrow I will stop being lazy! Well I will try to start getting things done and not be lazy! But in the words of Bruno Mars,

"Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything"

Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Quest for the Perfection

Perfection is an ideal, it can never be achieved.

As I write my first blog post I sat and thought for hours trying to come up with the "perfect" topic in order to write the world's greatest post! lol I guess I'm a perfectionist! Then it hit me why not discuss the myth that is "perfection". 

Well, I may be dangerously close to perfection but as they say the closer you get to perfection you will realize that it is a moving target. In actuality, I am  very far from perfect but I do strive for perfection everyday but whether I will ever reach it or not is a different story. Perfection can never truly be achieved but should that stop us from trying to achieve it in everything we do in life? Some people believe striving for perfection is a waste of time because what's the sense in jumping to reach something you know you can never reach! Some people believe it's about progress not perfection.  
Being a perfectionist has it's drawbacks, I never finish exams because I want to write everything out fully  even when I'm running out of time instead of being smart and putting it in point form. I take forever to write assignments because I want to make sure that it is perfect when I hand it up. Or course it never is! 

I obsess over my hair not being neat, or not finding the perfect thing to wear when I have to go somewhere or never having the right shoes, so I change clothes a million times and still end up not liking what I decide to put on. So of course I'm never on time, although I start dressing and looking for clothes hours in advance. As my mom always says, "It's not a fashion show! Just put on something" and she will come into my room, see me in a state of undress and just pick something and say, "Put on this". So I have developed the habit of asking her what to wear because I could NEVER decide. So maybe my goal shouldn't be perfection, but to be better than I was the day before! No one is perfect and I guess I'm really trying to come to terms with just loving myself just as I am,  flaws and all! 

There is beauty to be found in your flaws. It's what people actually love about you, it makes you unique. It separates you from every other person and gives you individuality. It makes you YOU. It shapes your personality. So despite the fact that perfection is unattainable, in the words of Bruno Mars "You're amazing, just the way you are!" 

Many times the things we dislike about ourselves or consider as our flaws, there are people in our lives who actually do not see those things as flaws at all! We can be our own worst enemy! Go look in a mirror. What do you see? If the first thing that comes to mind is something negative then you are like most people. We look in the mirror and instead of seeing a beautiful smile or bright eyes full of wonder, we see everything that we think is "wrong" with us. Everyone wishes to be taller, shorter, fatter, skinnier. Some people wish to have lighter coloured skin and even resort to bleaching, others think that they are too pale and obsess with tanning. All in the quest for beauty and perfection. But the truth is...

Everyone is beautiful. When a person radiates with inner beauty it shows through and they appear even more beautiful on the outside as well. So although, I may not be perfect, I know that I am beautiful on the inside and out! My quest for perfection has ended not because I have reached perfection but because I have realized that being myself  and loving myself is much more rewarding! I will however, strive for excellence in all things I do and continue to try to do them to the best of my ability! 

    "You were born to be real, Not perfect"