
Thursday, 22 May 2014

The Quest for the Perfection

Perfection is an ideal, it can never be achieved.

As I write my first blog post I sat and thought for hours trying to come up with the "perfect" topic in order to write the world's greatest post! lol I guess I'm a perfectionist! Then it hit me why not discuss the myth that is "perfection". 

Well, I may be dangerously close to perfection but as they say the closer you get to perfection you will realize that it is a moving target. In actuality, I am  very far from perfect but I do strive for perfection everyday but whether I will ever reach it or not is a different story. Perfection can never truly be achieved but should that stop us from trying to achieve it in everything we do in life? Some people believe striving for perfection is a waste of time because what's the sense in jumping to reach something you know you can never reach! Some people believe it's about progress not perfection.  
Being a perfectionist has it's drawbacks, I never finish exams because I want to write everything out fully  even when I'm running out of time instead of being smart and putting it in point form. I take forever to write assignments because I want to make sure that it is perfect when I hand it up. Or course it never is! 

I obsess over my hair not being neat, or not finding the perfect thing to wear when I have to go somewhere or never having the right shoes, so I change clothes a million times and still end up not liking what I decide to put on. So of course I'm never on time, although I start dressing and looking for clothes hours in advance. As my mom always says, "It's not a fashion show! Just put on something" and she will come into my room, see me in a state of undress and just pick something and say, "Put on this". So I have developed the habit of asking her what to wear because I could NEVER decide. So maybe my goal shouldn't be perfection, but to be better than I was the day before! No one is perfect and I guess I'm really trying to come to terms with just loving myself just as I am,  flaws and all! 

There is beauty to be found in your flaws. It's what people actually love about you, it makes you unique. It separates you from every other person and gives you individuality. It makes you YOU. It shapes your personality. So despite the fact that perfection is unattainable, in the words of Bruno Mars "You're amazing, just the way you are!" 

Many times the things we dislike about ourselves or consider as our flaws, there are people in our lives who actually do not see those things as flaws at all! We can be our own worst enemy! Go look in a mirror. What do you see? If the first thing that comes to mind is something negative then you are like most people. We look in the mirror and instead of seeing a beautiful smile or bright eyes full of wonder, we see everything that we think is "wrong" with us. Everyone wishes to be taller, shorter, fatter, skinnier. Some people wish to have lighter coloured skin and even resort to bleaching, others think that they are too pale and obsess with tanning. All in the quest for beauty and perfection. But the truth is...

Everyone is beautiful. When a person radiates with inner beauty it shows through and they appear even more beautiful on the outside as well. So although, I may not be perfect, I know that I am beautiful on the inside and out! My quest for perfection has ended not because I have reached perfection but because I have realized that being myself  and loving myself is much more rewarding! I will however, strive for excellence in all things I do and continue to try to do them to the best of my ability! 

    "You were born to be real, Not perfect"


  1. Great post Adana! So true. Just be yourself and that's more than good enough. And btw your blog design is just soooooooo cute!!!!

    1. Thanks Giselle!! Your blog inspired me :)

    2. i love u Adana :) u inspired me 2 run u down sum more years lol nice blog by the way ''nick'' love u :)

    3. Awww thanks Nick :) I appreciate the love :)
