
Sunday, 3 August 2014

I hate being late, but I'm so good at it!

My dad used to say that I had two speeds slow and stop. 

PS. I'M IN LAW SCHOOL NOW! A profession where the Judges' time and the Court's time have to be respected. Wasting the court's time is frowned upon. As I sat in Orientation at my first day in Hugh Wooding Law School, a statement which was said by one of the course directors has resonated with me ever since that first day. "Sir, Hugh Wooding was never late!" So I have taken a page from his book. I may still be late to go out with friends but not in a professional environment.

This was me PRE- LAW SCHOOL

Hi, my name is Adana and I suffer from chronic lateness. No  matter how much I try, I just cannot be early. Being late comes a little too naturally to me. My grandmother used to call my mother "Slow boat to China" so I guess I inherited taking long to get ready from her! As my mother would say "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree". My father would usually tell me to start getting ready an hour before we have to leave the house and somehow that is still never enough time. I guess it's because I take my time and tell myself "You have time!" However, the time just seems to disappear and then I find myself rushing as if I only had 5 minutes to dress. 

Waking up is the beginning of the problem. I guess it's because I go to sleep so late. I'm a night owl. I just love to be awake in the night! So of course when I have to wake up I cannot! So I set my alarm it sounds at the set time and I turn it right back off! My mind usually says I will just take a 5 minute nap which naturally turns into a 30 minute sleep and of course I am now late and have to hurry. 

My clock shouldn't bother to tell me the time it should just say "LATE".

We all have that friend who says, "I'll be there around 7" and then shows up around 9. 

If you could ask some of my friends who is always the latest they will say ADANA! But I do have some friends who can beat me in being late. All friends will remain anonymous but if the cap fits!

That picture describes me perfectly! You are trying to hurry and people keep calling and making you take longer. I cannot finish getting dressed or put on make up if I'm on the phone. What people do not realise is that they are actually keeping me back with their constant calling. I know some people are agreeing with me... Can I get an AMEN! And to the early people who do the calling, I do value your time and I do try to hurry but it's a disease the first step is admitting that I have a problem. Please bear with me. However, address your attention to the photograph below.  

 "You remind me of Christopher Columbus in that you're always discovering things people knew about years ago!" 

That seems to fit me perfectly! So many old movies I have never seen people look at me with complete shock when I say I have never seen.. can't make a list too many to name. (Ask me in a comment)
I am actually late when it comes to jokes as well! I am quite slow at getting jokes it often needs to be explained to me. Not always I'm not a dummy lol.  

"If running late counted as exercise, I'd be fit by now!"
No matter where I have to go, whether it is school, church or an outing with friends, I am always late. My dad always asks why I take soo long to get ready and I really have no idea. It just happens...

People who are running late ALWAYS hope that someone else is later than they are, because you can take comfort in the fact that you are not THE LATEST! And everyone is not waiting on you alone! People who are late love company. (Please leave a comment whether you are a late-comer or not)

"Always remember, it's better to arrive late than to arrive ugly!"

1 comment:

  1. Lmao!!! Yes, Adana. I can relate so much lol. Somehow I'm always the keep-back. But you sound like you have it worse than me! :D
